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OED Lesson

October 1, 2015

In class, and even outside this class, we throw around the terms “westernized” and “americanized” but what do these words actually mean? Are we using these terms correctly? Westernized by definition is cause (a country, person, or system) to adopt or be influenced by the cultural, economic, or political systems of Europe and North America. Americanized is to make American in character or nationality. So to westernize something does not necessarly just include America. It could represent Canada , Mexico, and Europe as well. I think that it is important to realize that when we have class discussions or writing our papers to use the correct form of describing what exactly are we trying to say. Do we mean to westernize someone or make them more American? Maybe it is just me but i find it interesting that when i describe something mutual or positive about assimulation, i use the term “westernized” but when i want it to be negative or a bad connotation, i use “Americanized”. Perhaps because everyone in the world, even our own country, views becoming more American as a bad thing. Is this just me or am i in the far left field?

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